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Bits and pieces about life as we puddle through day to day....hope you enjoy! ps it's nice to read comment feed back..please share!

Monday, March 28, 2011


Wins and loses today....... i ate :
special K for breakfast along with its portionary milk,
:S I did NO exercise today - massive fail!!!!!!!!!!!!
I enjoyed a talk at Church by a fella called David that I had not met before........his wife appealled for someone to play golf with her on Friday.....and I sat like a mute- why did I not take down her number and say yes!!but can you teach me how to play? :( another exercise opportunity missed -fail!!!
Once home from Church i ate:
Medium GI taco shells filled with low gi salad and meat that was eaten 'sparingly' (about 2 tablespoons in each) However, my epic fail here was that I did not stop at just one or two...i feasted on four :( FAIL in the portion department........I think next time i will need to take some low gi snack to church to 'keep me going' so i don't come home and just snort my way through food like a PIG! I also had drunk no water until 2pm -not good! although i did get trough my 6 cups for the day of H2O...I have been up all night to the loo FAIL!
Dinner was some stir fry low gi veges with side dish of lantina low gi pasta on the side, with watermellon and low gi yogurt for dessert.
but then...........NO EXERCISE - FAIL!!!!
So apart from spiritual exercise today....I really did not reach my goal in more ways than one..need to lift my game tomorrow.What exercise do you do on a sunday ??please comment!


  1. ok here goes. First of all don't think of yourself as failing - somedays are harder to deal with than others. If we focus on positvie aspects rather on negative aspects we will feel better! You are a wonderful person - focus on the positve, such as it was a positive thing you did by writing on your blog and telling us what you did! You went to church - what could be better than that, and you filled your spiritual cup!
    You didn't exercise -BIG DEAL! There's always tomorrow - don't be hard on yourself! Empower yourself with what you did do rather than what you didn't!
    As for eating- this it what my clients do:
    Depending on how much they weigh, and if they are male or female you have 3 meals a day and so many extra's or snacks as we call them.
    PLUS in conjunction we give you a list of free foods that you can eat with your meals or snacks.
    E-mail or message me and I will let you have the info!
    You are doing just fine my dear friend - keep up the positive thoughts...YOU CAN DO IT! AND don't pressure yourself into I HAVE TO EXERCISE ALL THE TIME - you don't. I believe- truly believe that if you have your eating pattern down right then you are nearly there! I love you and hope you don't think I am being outspoken here!GO TANYA!!!

  2. ...It is actually me, Liz who made the comment not sure why my husbands name came up!

  3. Thanks liz so so much! that was just the motivation i needed- thank you ...will email you for sure :)going swimming this morning...having some fluid retention trouble toda- will get some parsley when i get to town for that. i really appreciate the public feedback cos i think that not only does it help me - but maybe some others that might be reading .Hope they comment soon too. cos after a while you can wonder am i just chatting to myself..but with over 500 page views - i think someone must be reading something. :) catcha xoxo

  4. I read you thing about Sundayitis and had to laugh about it. The thing it brought back memories to me was my dad always accused us of Sundayitis when my brothers and sisters were little and didn't feel well on Sunday morning before church. I thought it was really stupid, then I became a dad and later a gramps, and I use the same term that my dad did.

    I also see you live in Ozland. I live in Florida, but I have three boys in WA, and one is in the bishopric in his ward. He keeps wanting me to go there, so maybe I'll do it this Christmas. I've only met his wife and oldest son for a short time. They now have another son whom I need to hold and tease.

    Thanks from bringing up some good memories from long ago.
