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Bits and pieces about life as we puddle through day to day....hope you enjoy! ps it's nice to read comment feed back..please share!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Bad Day!!!But Grateful!

Well yesterday was like a day from hell! Here we were straight from Conference on Sunday having all manner of petty things ‘fire’ the boys up. What  the heck! To share an eraser caused an incident with a ruler, which in turn became a punching match between two growing boys…..AAARRGGH! And it continued  all day long, “it’s his turn not mine”, “I didn’t do it” and so on …!

I continued to remain calm (at times – just) and thought I’d plan a special FHE to remind them where our attention ought be with Easter on the horizon. I had found a very cool activity on a blog where one makes and Easter tree! Perfect out came the silver paint…until it ran out and only half the tree was painted!………….So never fear off I went to print the accompanying sheets for decorating the sheets- and FAIL the printer would not print!!!!!!! With dogs then barking to be fed, kids disappointed and needing to shower, dinner needing to be cooked my Mr Lovely Husband rang to let me know he will be a few hours late getting home! Just Fabulous!

So, an ala’carte dinner of baked beans on toast became the cuisine fit for a Queen last night……….But then…..

My lovely diet sabotaging husband came home with the most heavenly tasting, visually pleasing ginger fluff sponge sandwich filled with fresh cream and topped with caramel icing. It was sitting on a doily in a little clear box  all by itself…Intentionally purchased for me! What’s a girl to do but oblige. Hmm. extra swimming today- big time!

But, once they were all in bed and I reflected upon not only my day … I became aware that I have much to be grateful for…including a very special treat after 3 fairly low gi weeks :), a husband that got home safely from work and spicey kids that keep life day by day a mystery of how it is going to  turn out!I am grateful to a friend who text me an invite to a morning tea today with other RS women. I am grateful to our leaders who give me ‘hope’ day to day,especially when I head their words.

                          utah end ca 060


  1. Perfect title to this post--yes, crazy day you had and nice you could find that little thing to be grateful for. I have been trying to focus in on that too, at the end of each day. I love your blog photo, looks a little chilly. Thank you for commenting on my post today at MMB on motherhood and working and staying home and homeschooling, and trying to make it all work. I love that I have found another friend! thanks so much. "odd bod" I love that!

  2. :) not sure why my follower button not working today :s but keep in touch deila. the picture was taken in utah at Christmastime - an international holiday I will never ever forget. We became a 'family forever' whilst there and endowed too.Lots of great memories now that we are home in australia.

  3. Hey! I noticed you are following my sad, neglected little blog :0) Thank you!

    I saw a t-shirt at the store today. It read "SuperWife, SuperMom, Super Tired!". It made me smile because I feel super tired since I am a mom and a wife.....but then I thought I am not a SuperWife or a SuperMom.....I'm just regular old me and I thought, "Why don't they make a shirt that says something like.... "I'm no where near perfect, but my family loves me anyway'". I think it would be a nice reminder for me that few, if any, days are perfect, but I am blessed nonetheless.

    I enjoyed your post because it is a good reminder of that very thing.
