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Bits and pieces about life as we puddle through day to day....hope you enjoy! ps it's nice to read comment feed back..please share!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Perfectionist Derailed

today has taught me how to let go of things, of people, of memories,of pains...........and although i may struggle to achieve this process all in a day.......i have begun. I am trying to 'let go ' of being or striving for perfectionism........it is at the root of controlling behaviour and a key to my unhappiness, weight battle, loneliness....and much more.
you see an example of this is I would love more visitors/friends.........but i don't ask them over as my house may not be perfect enough! i self-sabotage....sometimes i try too hard- not to try to out do someone else but to try to live up to my own unrealistic expectations. These traits are 'learned' from one generation to the next- i want to re write the script.........i want friends to love me as i am even if i am in a mess.


  1. I really understand where you are coming from. I see it reflected in my children and that is HARD! Each time I take a step toward releasiing my perfectionism the closer I come to the imaginary place I want to be. Does that make sense?

  2. yes rebecca it does make lots of sense...i am still mastering the craft but have not given up the goal...but i am begining to break it down into smaller bite size pieces.
